Irfan Fadilah's Blog

Sometimes I Write Something, Sometimes I Don't.

Hello World!

Welcome to my brand new blog! Yes, from now on I will begin to share and write posts about many things; starting from programmings, technologies, tutorials, stories, opinios, knowledge sharing, current issues and anything that I found it interesting.

This is not my first time to start blogging and writing posts, I've been blogging on my other blog for almost 6 years (it's still under constructions though) and writing some posts about Ruby & Rails on my current company's blog where I currently working.

I used to blogging on Google's Blogger and WordPress, the two biggest blogging platforms in the universe. At first I planned to to use WordPress for this blog, but after I heard about Ruby-based blogging platform, Jekyll, I decided to use it as base foundation of this blog. I have some reasons why I choose Jekyll:

  • We use the same language, Ruby.
  • I like unique concepts of Jekyll itself.
  • Simple and customizable, just like what I needs.
  • Hosted for free by GitHub Pages.

The last one was the main reason why I decided to use Jekyll, LOL. But seriously, I really enjoyed the process of developing and building this blog from scratch until it's suit my desire and what I want, including the designing process, although I'm not expert at web design.

Well, I think that's all folks. Short introduction about this blog and I hope you like it. I'd also like to hear your opinions, critics or suggestions for me and this blog. So please feel free to write 'em all down in comments section below.

See you again in my next posts. Cheers!